The original Panchito (s/n 43-28147) flew all of her missions from Kadena Airfield in Okinawa. Below is a list of the missions in which the original Panchito participated in, along with the relevant mission reports for not only the 41st Bomb Group, but also for the 396th Bomb Squadron.
A note on the mission reports - some of the PDF files for the mission reports are rather large so as to not affect the readability/legibility of some of the pages, therefore please be patient when accessing these files.
(With many thanks to Brian Fisher, a researcher who found these and other 41st Bomb Group reports at the U.S. National Archives in College Park, MD)
1. July 21, 1945 mission: Panchito did not fly this mission, however Capt. Seiler's crew, but with Lt. DeSplinter, H. E., as co-pilot, flew this mission in aircraft number 149.
2. August 9, 1945 mission: Cpls Miller, Landry and Miller flew as gunners for Lt. Terpening, B. J., with F/O Coady, J. and Lt. Guenther, G. in aircraft number 142.
3. August 10, 1945 mission: Cpls Miller, Landry and Miller flew as gunners for Lt. Lonsdale, W. R., with Lt. Ball, D. T. and Lt. Durrell, J. H. in aircraft number 142.
1. July 9, 1945 mission: co-pilot Lt. Gates, L. E.
Capt. Seiler, D. J.; Lt. Shea, T. F.; Lt. Driver, J. L.; Cpl. Miller, W. M.; Cpl. Landry, N. A.; Cpl. Miller, R.J.
2. July 15, 1945 mission: Capt. Seiler and Lt. Driver with Lt. Hanson, B. O.; T/S Finnerty, J. J.; T/S Horton, R. F.; S/S Darby, H. B. (remainder of normal crew not assigned for this mission)
3. July 17, 1945 mission: gunners were S/S Kerker, R. T.; S/S Rea, G. B.; Cpl. Cowan, J. (normal gunners not assigned for this mission). This crew combination also flew the July 18, 1945 mission.
4. July 22, 1945 mission: co-pilot Lt. Wise, J. D.
5. July 24, 1945 mission: co-pilot Lt. Weiss, W. F.
6. August 11, 1945 mission: Lts Shea & Driver not assigned for this mission, replaced by Lt. Allee, J. D., Lt. Fortune, R. J. and Lt. Taylor, R. E.
Note: Alternate co-pilots Lt. Gates, Lt. Wise and Lt. Weiss later noted as pilot/aircraft commanders of their own crews.
1. July 31, 1945 mission: co-pilot Lt. Lancaster, V.
Lt. Pfyl, F. A.; Lt. Miske, D. J.; Lt. Beard, E. S.; T/S Steinle, D. W.; T/S Markowski, A. T.; S/S McMillan, J. R.
2. August 1, 1945 mission: co-pilot Lt. Culver, E. L.; gunner S/S Bortner, R. K. vice T/S Steinle
Lt. Hayes, J. H.; Lt. Whipps, W. W.; Lt. Cambria, A. W.; T/S Schuppner, J. G.; T/S White, V. M.; S/S Neill, G.
3. August, 9, 1945 mission: bomb/nav Lt. Klimek, E. D.
Lt. Weiss, W. F.; Lt. Hanson, B. O.; T/S Sternberger, R. F.; Cpl. Jenkins, D. O.; Cpl. Micros, V. T.; Cpl. Mason, I. R.
Lt. Faucher, W. J.; Lt. Brown (?), F. E.; Lt. Kunkes, A.; T/S Brosius, R. G.; T/S Grifkin, A. A.; S/S Naglee, W.
Lt. Thompson, R. W.; Lt. Sanders, H. L.; Lt. Jester, C. C.; S/S Davis, G. T.; S/S Henry, R. B.; S/S Abell, J. C.